Monday, October 09, 2006

Israir Flight 337 NOW DEPARTING

On tuesday at midnight, Sol, Jane, Tal, and Yotam will board a plane with hundreds of other frugal travelers and zip off to the national homeland of the jewish people. Emotions are running high as we anticipate this great step in our process of hagshama. I just cant wait to go through security and have to face down questions like, "what are you doing in israel?". my response of course being, "well, im not really sure but we're gonna play it by ear." The concerned officer then asks, "Well, where are you staying?" I scrunch my face and say, "well, im actually not really sure. I figure we'll crash wherever until we can set up some housing and get to work in the west bank! Did i mention I'm a socialist???" Oy vey.

The toughest part about this is just having to be some kind of symbol in the eyes of other people. To the religious zionists im a traitor. To the international left wing community i'm a racist. To my friends at home I'm a member of a cult. To old shomrim, the elders of my own movement, I'm a naive kid with no sense of the real world. Well, I guess they should all be pleased to know that they are all correct. I'm living in a dream world, suckling off of my cult for support and some semblance of structure and meaning. I hate all races. And I'm a fair-weather zionist. I cant even believe i'm going there in the winter months. Do you really think that if the shit hit the fan I would be clamoring for a sharp stick and charging the enemy? I am an American, i seek to avoid conflict at all costs.

Muki Tzur once told me that I should write down what I am thinking. I told him that I'm not sure if I can do that. He asked why. I said because I dont have hands. He said, you HAVE hands..They are down my pants. I said, those arent my hands. He said, well if theyre not yours then whose are th- AHHHH!!!!. I said, Muki, for what do you scream? He said, I'll write you a letter about it.

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